DevOps: What Do?!

DevOps: What Do?! 'DevOps' is a loaded term, and is threatening to go the way of 'agile' in meaning whatever the person speaking wants it to mean, and in doing »

Transitional naming schemes

A concept based off of a silly tweet I saw the other day: automatically naming new hosts using word lists. If you used an adjective-noun-verb pattern, each host would be »

Holding Pattern

It’s been an absurd length of time since I’ve written a blog post. For most of the time, that’s because of a combination of both being too »

Mid-conference-week notes.

This week is conference week in Edinburgh. Tuesday saw ScotlandJS, the first JavaScript conference in Scotland and the start of attempts to build JavaScript communities in Scotland. Note that last »

Americans should hire remote sysadmins.

Most internet start-ups these days don't manage their own hardware, unless they've got several hundred million dollars in funding and some fairly specialist needs. Pretty much everyone is working just »

Hugs are not transitive.

A project that wasn't on my last from earlier in the week is the idea that was going to go on, which I registered back in September. The »